CD Manufacturing Info
Curved can also handle all your CD pressing needs.
There are two ways to manufacture your CD’s, replication ( pressing ) .. And duplication ( burning )
Replication is by far the better quality as this way your cd’s are literally pressed from a glass master and the on body print and all packaging is lithographically printed, however, they come in runs of minimum 500..
Duplication is faster and you can produce lower quantity, however, audio and print is inferior. Because of this, curved only replicate or “press” cd’s…
Rule of thumb generally, is..
If the cd’s are for sale, replicate (press) , if they are giveaway from promos, duplicate (burn ) them!
As with vinyl, cd pricelists are vast and complicated with unending variables, its much easier to contact Shane and we will talk you through options and budgets to get the product that’s correct for your release.
We have a selection of popular cd packages to give an idea of cost, these packages are discounted, so, if one fits your needs, bag yourself a bargain.